Saturday, 4 May 2013

I hate the f#%kin' Eagles!

Dear Friends and Family,

Today was a tough one for Marc. He's recovering well and staying incredibly strong but understandably, the pain is excruciating. Try as they might, all the nurses, and doctors, and meds just can't seem to cut the pain. I heard the lead nurse ask Marc, " you're not a big complainer are you?" and, compassionately she suggested, "perhaps you're on a different pain scale than most people". Meaning, on a scale from 1-10, Marc's 10 is probably more like a 15 (AKA off the charts) when compared to most people. It hurts. A lot. Yet, he's getting through it.

Motor skill, vision and language are still good. The MRI, which will show how much of the tumor (if any) remains, was rescheduled for tomorrow. His CAT scan results are good.

......I suppose that's all for now.

Thank you for checking in, and sending your love. It helps.


  1. Thinking about you guys - hope today has been a better day...

  2. Great news. wishing you a speedy recovery. Get well soon!
    Jeff DIll
