Sunday, 28 April 2013

Waste a Few Minutes, Have a Laugh

Brain audio, not video.  I dare you not to like the Jungle Brothers.

An Eastern thing

Read your Bible, sirs (rated R)

This will melt your brain!

Enjoy the clips, and stay tuned for more.

Thanks to everyone who has been following my saga so far.  I'd expect nothing less from you guys!


  1. Oh, you've got some Funky Shit inside your brain alright...

  2. Undaunted, I knew the game was mine to win. Just like in life, all of my successes depend on me. I'm the man who has the ball; I'm the man who can throw it faster than fuck. So, that is why I'm better than everyone in the world. Kiss my ass and suck my dick, everyone.
    — Kenny Powers

    I found this to be very inspirational and made me think of you Marc, just replace ball with bike, ski or Kubota tractor.

    1. you rule, Heekin. I still think you should have been the Pope.

      Pope Peekin I Patron Saint of Tunaaaah!
