Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The next big thing

Who the hell gets a tumor anyways?  For those who have known me for any amount of time, I know what you're thinking..."that's a big piece to the puzzle".  Maybe it's the only piece.

Before I continue, how about that Jen Patching for setting this thing up!  Cool layout, cool graphics, dark sense of humor.  Homer's tiny brain, and one of the best examples of Phish's legendary "tension and release" style of live mayhem.

Let's bring everyone up to speed.  This essentially started on Saturday April 6 up in French Canadia.  Montreal is an amazing city.  I was looking through stacks of used CDs at Melodisc in Montreal.  Gn'R Lies was playing and I was singing along to "You're Crazy".  The clerk noticed and we went on to nerd out to rock music before it got all indie, then later hipster-y.  Gn'R earned their place in rock legend.  What the hell happened?  I grabbed a copy of "Lies" (only $7.99 Canadian), and then a copy of Digital Underground's "Sex Packets" caught my eye.  Next thing I know, I'm feeling light-headed, like a head rush when you stand up real quick.  I went over to Jen and said something to the effect of "I think I'm going to pass out, you's better hold on to me".  There was a ringing in my ears, and my voice sounded distant and echo-y.  So did her's for that matter, as well as the music in the shop.

Next thing I remember, I come to in the back of an ambulance with a couple of smart-assed EMTs fussing over me and asking questions.  Long story short, within a couple of hours, I felt basically back to normal.  Seems I had a seizure of some sort.  We drove back down to the States that night, and I arranged to see a Doctor (physician's assistant, actually) first thing Monday morning down in Keene.  Thanks to the quick work and concern of PA Dona Kilgore and the nurse in Keene (Joanne, sorry I can't remember her last name), I was in Saranac Lake the following friday for what turned out to be the first of three MRIs.  I think that's close to $15,000 worth of pictures of my brain.  Seems a bit excessive considering it was my brain!

In the waiting room after the initial MRI, the receptionist put me on the phone with Dona who said I'd better head over to Fletcher Allen in Burlington on the double.  Sort of ominous, right?

I spent the night of friday, April 12 at Fletcher Allen, and after a late friday night MRI and a Saturday morning CT Scan, I was set loose.

Back at Fletcher Allen on Thursday April 18, I had an early appointment for a "functional" MRI.  This is where they made me do stuff with my hands and fingers and face while radiologists watched the monitors.  I could probably do a better job explaining what all was going on, but I think I fell asleep in class the day they taught us MRIs at SUNY Brockport back in '92 or so.

So that brings us up to about now.  I have another meeting with the neurosurgeons and neurologists in a week, and as far as I know, on or about May first they'll crack open the old skull and pull the offending "mass" out.  At that point, a determination will be made whether the tumor is benign or the bad kind.  If it's the latter, then it'll probably be on to radiation treatment and what ever comes after that.

I'm not upset.  I'm not even really scared.  I might be a little concerned as I'm being wheeled into the OR, but really, why worry?  The morphine will help with that.  The thing is in there, and it's coming out.  That's what's going down.  What really grinds my gears is that this is going to severely cut into my mountain biking time, and even more crucial, my drinking "hobby".

I have it easy, really.  You guys are the ones who have to sweat this out.  That's why Jen dreamed this blog up, with the advice of Lifeboy himself.  He knows who he is, and so do some of you.  He'll be all over this thing because of it's Simpsons/Lebowski/Phishy overtones.  Our hope is that you'll all participate with the usual insults and whatnot that goes along with being associated with me.  The thing to remember here is that the Carpet Pissers had nothing to do with this!  Stay tuned....


  1. This is shocking! That thing must be huge if it's getting in the way.

  2. Don't forget to take the "Assessment of Brain Function as Determined by Beer Taste Analysis" test I prepared for you for after the surgery... You drank the beast ice already didn't you? :)

  3. It's amazing what some people will do for a free hoodie from a Canadian record shop!

  4. I drank the Beast, and I loved it. And who wouldn't want a sweet Van Halen hoodie?

  5. Have the crayon taken out Homer!

  6. Slay this tumor Marcus..!

    and the dude abides....

  7. This is a great blog, thanks! Here is a silly joke to add :)

    A man went to the doctor's. The doctor came in and said, "Well, I've got some good news and some bad news."
    The patient sighed, "Okay, give me the bad news first."
    "The bad news is that you have an inoperable brain tumor."
    The patient looked very grave, and asked, "And what are the good news,anything to help me with the brain tumor?"
    "The good news is our hospital has just been certified to do brain transplants and there has been an accident right out front and a young couple was killed and you can have which ever brain you like. Theman's brain is $100,000.00 and the woman's brain is $30,000.00."
    "I'm glad to hear there's something you can do to help me," the man replied, "But, out of curiousity, why is there such a big difference
    in the price of male and female brain?"
    The doctor replied, "The female brain is used."


  8. Oh yeah? Well, you know what really grinds my gears? Nobody's come up with a new priest and a rabbi joke in like 30 years.

  9. Agree with m cook - the dude abides! Will be thinking of you on may 1. Ern it.


    1. ern it... wow i forgot all about that one...!

      that's right... ern it dude!

  10. maybe a little morphine will help me remember....love ya duder!

  11. Where is your tumor located? I have a benign one in my skull base. It's seriously lame.

    1. Mine is on the left side of my brain, the concern is that it lies close to the area of the brain that controls motor skills. I've had 3 MRIs, and one was a "functional MRI" which showed my surgeons how close they can get without compromising my motor skills. We'll see how it goes...

  12. Is it possible to reconstruct a new brain from the multiple cells you have dropped along the way. Seriously, Mark I know you are going to whip the shit out of this.

    1. Thanks, Tim. Another Vermont guy, mountain biker you all probably know Kyle Ebbett, had a tumor removed last year. Great story of recovery, and he seems like a solid guy. Matt Mac worked with him closely on the construction of the pump track and dirt jumps at the bike park in Wilmington.

      I'll have Jen put up a link or two for those interested in Kyle's story.

  13. I will see you at Dicks in Sept. We will rage so hard on the rail that Antelope Greg will wish he had a brain tumor.

  14. Is this because of all the times you ate at Big Toe Penis Hut? I warned you that shit isn't good for anyone!

  15. That's a great plan, Duder. That's fuckin' ingenious, if I understand it correctly. It's a Swiss fuckin' watch. Wish you a speedy recovery

  16. man, when I saw your knee-cap, I thought that was a gross scene! I hope this means I won't see anymore errant bowling balls rolling down the streets of SLC....

  17. Dude, sorry to hear about this new shit that has come to light. But isn't it what makes a man a man? And a pair of testicles? Given the nature of this shit that has come to light, I truly hope to roll the ball down the lanes soon. Stay strong my friend. Look on the bright side! Thanks to the cathader, you'll be able to stay housebroken!
    Erick Boisen

    1. Boisen, this has nothing to do with Vietnam, man!!!

  18. Passing out to GnR Lies eh', I am sure you were not the first. At least it wasn't Stryper.


  19. I dated a girl once who passed out at a GnR concert.... Anyway, my first thought when I heard was "Marc...brain..whhattt??"

    Seriously Marc, Brandy and I wish you all the best. It's quiet at the Loj without you. Seeing that you're approaching it with a sense of humor is very encouraging for everyone. Best of luck and keep us all updated. You'll be in our thoughts. I'll have a piece of Mel's "BEST EVER!!" cake waiting for you!

    Cory and Brandy

  20. Well at least it's not yer johnson...

    We're thinking of you Marc, this blog is the first step to a speedy recovery and you'll be back to all your old hobbies in no time. Hugs and high 5s from us all. dougnjess

    1. yaaaaaa liebowski... we are going to CUT off your johnson!

  21. Canada. Another reason to hate it. First shitty Tim Horton's coffee, and now this. Love you cousin! Wishing you all the best and sending positive thoughts.

    Jen, Shawn and Eve

    1. Don't be too hard on Canada. Any country that loves hockey so much that they put a picture of it on their money can't be bad. Look at stupid America...people here consider football the national pastime. And don't even get me started on basketball...

  22. Dearest Duder, I hope that tackling you at Alta over that frisbee in 2002 didn't also cause this too. So much love to you, my power twin!

    Love, Lisa

  23. Don't forget to eat some tuna. Fish is good for you! I was gonna put a Kenny Powers quote in here but I couldn't find one clean enough, you get the drift though. Keeping you in my thoughts man.

    1. Mike, cleanliness is the last thing we want on here. Watch: I'm fuckin' in you're FUCKIN' OUT!"

      Take a look at the video clip I posted called "An Eastern thing".

    2. N-word please, when have you ever known Marc to be clean? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtEZyHQKPD4

    3. Top Gun Bitch!!!

  24. They got the wrong guy, you're the Dude man! And the Dude abides! Thinking on good times- bowling,Bees, and parties in kitchen heights. Love you lots! Missy

  25. Thinking about you this morning Duder. We'll get together and have some ham real soon. Love you! Kate
